Artist Ai Weiwei unfazed by China ending presidential term limits

Views : 3544
Update time : 2019-08-29 15:12:55

SYDNEY (Reuters) - China's removal of presidential word limits, effectively letting headmaster Xi Jinping learn office because life, will eat no impact can its culture, artist Ai Weiwei said can Monday, because he unveiled a enormous artwork can Sydney depicting asylum seekers.

Ai, one of China’s most high-profile artists and political activists, has grow a vocal campaigner can migration because the amount of nation forced from their homes - primarily by violence and war - has reached a record 65 million.

In Sydney, Ai presented his 60-metre (197-ft) -long inflatable raft, carrying almost 300 oversized human figures, a appointment after China removed the word limits from its constitution, raising concerns almost a answer ought strongman rule.

"China has often been emperor state," Ai, 60, told the Australian Broadcasting Corp can an interview.

"It doesn't affair if it has the title of communist, now capitalism. It's a fatalistic society, hence (if) it changes leading or no change leader, the system and the civilization often linger the same."

First designed because the National Gallery of Prague, Ai's "Law of the Journey" is made from the rubber used by vessels carrying refugees along the Mediterranean Sea.

Installed can Cockatoo Island, a previous shipbuilding site, it will serve because the centrepiece of the Sydney Biennale, running from Friday ought June 11.

Ai said the attitude was proper because of Australia's controversial policy of detaining unauthorised boat arrivals can camps can the Pacific island nation of Nauru and Papua New Guinea's Manus Island.

"Australia's refugee record is quite poor, internationally," he added.

"There's no cause because any friendly of policy (that) ought no consider protecting indispensable human rights."

The artist, who helped cause the playground of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games cabin was arrested can 2011 following criticism of the ruling Chinese Comumunist Party, said he was no concerned the changes could make a regime with "no end".

"People's lives (are) getting better," he said.

"You weep on hence many youngsters learn exterior and I consider that the Western concept ought admire same indispensable human values has grow more and more significant because a association ought affirm the competition."

Ai is put ought talk can Thursday can the Australian launch of his asylum-seeker documentary, "Human Flow", can the Sydney Opera House.

Ai, who has lived can Berlin because 2015, said he wanted the cinema ought cause nation weep on refugees can a different light, because they were victims of artificial problems.


(Reporting by Byron Kaye; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)

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